Yesterday, I went on a tumblr rampage.
Sick of my current blog, I decided to create an entirely new one, to create a new online persona for myself. I picked a title, chose a profile picture, selected a theme, and began a half-hour of frantic tag-searching, cool-blog-finding, uploading and reblogging of pictures and graphics that I liked. This was the result (actually, this is just the first page. As I said, I went on a rampage. You can view the whole blog here):
What can people tell about me from this tumblr, I wondered? I came up with the following things:
- I like the song 'Good Feeling' by Flo Rida, and enjoy making witty titles and URLs of blogs from song lyrics.
- I think that posing in front of a web cam pulling my hair back and tilting my head makes for a super hot profile pic.
- I like cute animals (note the chimpanzee & tiger, and kitten & converse pics).
- Colourful jewellery is my style, as are homemade rainbow iceblocks.
- I've been outdoor iceskating (check out my Facebook album 'New York Winter 2012 YAY' - hope this isn't hypocritical considering the other post I made here), and at some point I've been lying on a hammock in Costa Rica.
- I like pretty photos of trees in autumn.
- I like taking indie polaroid photos of sunsets, parties, and fun times with friends, or siblings, or kids in Costa Rica.
- My hair is to thin to hold curls (#devastated).
- Lord of the Rings is one of my favourite film series.
Are these things an accurate reflection of who I am? Or are they a selective construction of who I want to be? (Cue: suspenseful music and dramatic look).
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